Sally Schmitt’s the pioneer of the California cuisine that focuses on fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. By opening French Laundry restaurant in Yountville, Calif., with her husband, Don, in 1978, Sally helped Napa be a top food and wine destination in the world. Thomas Keller, the world-renowned chef and restaurateur, bought the restaurant in 1994 and turned it into one of the best restaurants there is. He attributes his inspiration and success of French Laundry to the beginning, Sally Schmitt.
A documentary of Sally Schmitt (20 minute film by The New York Times and worth every minute) just got released and I couldn’t help but tear up. I cried out of happiness for finding my role model and inspiration for living a practically balanced and fulfilling life. I cried out of empathy for us women who through generations have struggled with this question of balance. I cried out of sadness thinking about how short and fleeting life is. I just wish I knew of her earlier while she was alive. Sally left us with her pearls of wisdom that I want to take a moment to reflect.
“It’s all about balance, both in life and in the kitchen”: Sally talks about how she knew she could have worked to get Michelin Stars for her restaurant but made a conscious decision to not, because “It would throw my life out of balance. There’s no way around it”. Sally was a woman who knew what was most important to her. She was a woman who lived by her values, not by society’s expectations. She also knew that ‘having it all’ is a perpetual myth that we women, put pressure on ourselves. I remember when my uncle once said it’s hard for him to promote women because women are less willing to travel than men. I felt angry hearing that statement, but now I realize that some women may have made that decision purposefully to live by their core values. These women knew the clear trade-offs and still sticked with it.
“I didn’t want to change the world. I just wanted to cook.”: Sally lived a life of kindness, authenticity, and creativity. This is possible if we seek guidance inwards instead of trying to live by what the world says matters. Without her realizing, Sally actually ended up changing the world in a deep and positive way. Ironically, she was able to do it because she didn’t start out with a mission to change the world. She started out by focusing on what she loves doing and doing it really well. She focused on what she could control. This was less intuitive for me, as I’ve always been a goal-oriented person. I found motivations by having a clear goal. The trick here, I realized, is that the goal doesn’t have to be an extrinsically focused one. It could and should be an intrinsic goal, which makes it less intimidating and more personal. Starting this blog, for instance, was all about sharing my personal journey and struggle to practically balanced life. I feel it’s aligned to my authentic self, and hopefully, you could relate more because of it.
“Let her have her moment of glory. Don’t worry, there will be moments of glory for you”: Sally shares her mom’s words that made an impact on her. Sally’s mom knew that the world is not short of opportunities. There is absolutely no reason to not be happy for other people’s successes. Think progress, not perfection. I once was beating myself up for saying not what I thought was the most valuable comment in a meeting. That’s when I saw a quote on a wall that said, “Don’t be sad. Be better”. The only person that I’m competing against is my previous self. Let’s focus on getting better, while cheering on and celebrating other people’s successes along the way. Before we know it, the “moment of glory” will naturally follow.
Sally Schmitt passed away in March 2022. She was 90 years old. I don’t think I could have found a more inspiring and fitting role model as Sally Schmitt on how I want to live my life. She changed the world with her love for cooking with fresh and seasonal ingredients, even if she didn’t set out to. Each day is a gift. Let’s stay focused in filling it with our value-based actions and our authentic selves. Then, let the magic unfold in the universe, as it did with Sally’s legacy and gift to the world, for the lasting and meaningful change.
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